I'm already falling behind. I started a long (still unfinished) post yesterday about conscience rights but didn't post anything.

Last night, I took Ethan and Ben over to the house where I have weekly practice for the choral quartet. Ben was well behaved in playing with the other children. I could have left him at home with Ethan, but I feel that I don't spend enough time with my kids. At least by taking them with me I spent a bit of time with two of my children in the car, and they had an adventurous outing to a new place.

I'm singing several hours per week these days. Well, I'm mostly just making noise. For the instructor for my weekly voice lesson, I am working on opening my first formant, but because of my lack of muscle coordination, I tend to mispronounce my vowels (in the second formant) when I work on the first formant. So I spend a lot of time just trying to sing scales with different vowels. I don't know if I'll ever learn how to sing properly. Anyway, there is now an extra level of challenge in singing because I am trying to be conscious of a proper configuration for my throat down near the vocal cords.

I think that my new and perhaps goofier sound (goofier because I don't know how to contract muscles properly) is disturbing to the leader of the quartet, but she has been charitable to me so far.

After returning late, I read books to the younger children before a far too late bed time. That didn't leave much time for writing. I started writing some thoughts on balancing the conscience rights of individuals in a pluralistic society. I plan to have it out by the end of the week.

For my first math-related post, I think that I'll do a little simplistic analysis of the temperature of an object out in space near the Earth's orbit. But that will probably have to wait until next week.

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